5 Reasons Why Video Production Will Ignore Your Inquiry

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Prepare for your inquiry with as much info as you can, because many video production companies don’t tolerate spam in their mailbox. It’s not that we don’t want to do new video projects and get paid for it. In long

Is Nikon D850 Without 4K 60fps Better Choice Than Canon Or Sony

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We never had a chance to work with Nikon equipment for video production. We never even meet anyone using it for video. In most cases it was Canon or Panasonic (Lumix line), nowadays Sony takes the most videographer market. If not

How You Can Find Great Stock Footage Almost Instantly

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Nobody want’s bad promotion which discourages customers from your products or services. We see many commercials and promotional videos which were made by so-called video productions but are so bad that is hard to watch. Nobody will even wish to buy whatever

5 Reasons Why Using Video Stock Footage for Business Promotion is Cheaper


In today’s marketing industry the stock media is getting more important than ever (see Whiskas using stock footage).  How to get cost effective video promotion for social media, promotion campaigns, and television. Perfect marketing strategy is to use the least

May 2017 favorite video stock footage files sold via all stock agencies

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May 2017 was the worst month with video stock footage sales. It was actually bad with all agencies. If Shutterstock and Pond5 switched their roles in April 2017, they went to their self. While we are disappointed with only $794

Video production equipment we are working with

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In our lifetime of stock video production, we have changed and worked with many different pieces of equipment. Our most favorite was and will always be video shooting with Canon 5D Mark III in a combination of Magic Lantern cDNG RAW.

Whiskas Used Our Cat Stock Footage For Social Campaigns

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The only bad thing about the video is, that is not as traceable as photos. It is very hard to find our stock footage that was bought around the world. But sometimes we have luck and find our clips. This time

Faster way to Prepare Metadata for Shutterstock Stock Footage Agency


Video production of stock footage is not time-consuming only in post-production, but getting valuable files online. Uploading and adding metadata to stock video agencies can be very stressful and a full-time job. That is why many shortcuts and tools exist to

April 2017 favorite video stock footage files sold via all stock agencies

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This year April was a real joke from all stock footage agencies.  Way different than March 2017. It rarely happens that agencies switch their roles as a primary and secondary income source. This time it was the first time that Pond5 ($1453) exceeded