Why doesn’t my Royalty Free Stock Footage get any sales?

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After few years working in the Royalty Free stock footage industry, we learned one important thing. You can’t predict sales. There are some evidence, that constant shooting and uploading will increase opportunity to sell stock footage from your portfolio, but

Cute stock video is a great sale niche


We all understand viral videos and how cute animals get many views and likes on social media. Cute animals are viral in most of cases, specially those funny ones. Because we have a furry camera guy, we put him a

Traveling abroad and making Tunisia Royalty Free stock footage

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There are many pros for working with DSLR camera equipment when making stock video footage. One of them is being subtle anywhere you go. Even traveling abroad can be a problem if you take big video camera equipment. While using DSLR,

How to buy Royalty Free stock video footage?

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If you are a producer, editor or you just need a specific video stock footage clip from stock agency, here is a step by step course of buying specific clip. Buying a clip from any agency site should be easy,

4K stock footage versus HD – what is selling more?

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In this time of improved television technology HD (high definition) footage is still the best seller. In our country, if you buy 4K television, not even one TV provider has 4K channel. How could they have, even true HD channels

Quick and simple Quicktime Photo-JPEG stock video exporting

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Buying professional software for editing files such as stock video footage is expensive. While Adobe, Resolve and Avid have great tools, they are meant for professional use. And if you are just starting out with producing stock video footage, this simple

Hiring video production or buying stock video footage?

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Professional video production services are expensive. That’s a fact that many forget because of many factors. There are people to pay, return debt of equipment and time on project (not just shooting, but planning and editing too) is valuable. I

Does equipment for making stock video matter?


Being a professional stock video contributor for years and using mostly DSLR video/photo camera for making video footage, we can deny any statements that you need a professional video camera for work. The magic of DSLR video/photo camera is versatility and agility,

Best stock video agencies for footage sales


There are many video stock agencies that offer stock footage as part of their portfolio. There are even more stock photo agencies, that even don’t offer video clips. But when narrowing down profitable best stock video agencies, we only come