April 2017 favorite video stock footage files sold via all stock agencies

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This year April was a real joke from all stock footage agencies.  Way different than March 2017. It rarely happens that agencies switch their roles as a primary and secondary income source. This time it was the first time that Pond5 ($1453) exceeded

5 Reasons Why We Promote Stock Footage from Pond5

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Just to clarify, we aren’t promoting our Pond5 stock footage because they anyhow give us any benefits or exclusivity. We don’t receive anything more than anyone else selling on Pond5. And that is 50% income commissions. We are promoting Pond5 even

March 2017 favorite video stock footage files sold via all stock agencies

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Sales of video stock footage in March 2017 were not that great as we planned. It was just slightly better than February 2017, and slightly better than 2016 of same month. Even if there are many many more new stock

Not uploading to Videoblocks because of Dissolve forced high priced stock footage

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About a year ago we planned to try Videoblocks stock agency nevertheless the HD pricing tier is way bellow industry standards. Some contributors reported good income and because there is no agency share, the contributor receives 99% of the income.

What is stock footage industry?


Video production services are expensive for making any kind of commercials or other works. In many cases it’s cheaper to buy stock video footage for advertising products or services that don’t need to be seen as part of video footage.