After a good July 2017, there is always some bad news. August was always a very unpredictable month of the year. You just can’t expect good sales because most worldwide marketing agencies close their doors until September. It was obvious that sales will be very low. Starting with most prominent Shutterstock ($1262), which was identical to 2016 and just with few sales better than in 2015 ($888). Knowing that there were at least 2 thousand more clips uploaded since 2016, it wasn’t really a good month though. Even Pond5 ($619) is almost identical for the third year in a row. As if sales were capped no matter the new number of uploaded clips. Surprisingly Dissolve ($250) was very good in August comparing it with the same month in 2016 or 2015. Another predicted low-income month was for iStockphoto ($111), which barely even has any sales. Surprisingly bad was Fotolia/Adobe Stock ($59). It wasn’t so bad since 2015 when we started uploading footage to the agency. It is probably very marketing agency oriented stock library and was completely shut down in August. Yet again who can then explain 2016 results ($175)? But again it isn’t such an important agency of ours with always very low-earning results.
We looked through sold files in August. Here are few of the files we kinda liked being sold. Of course, if you are following our favorite stock files that didn’t get sold you can see that many great footages don’t ever see the world.

Stock Footage of Elderly Couple Standing At Terrace Window Enjoying The View 4K

Stock Footage of Beautiful British Breed Cat Sitting On White Desk 4K

Stock Footage of Smartphone Showing Map To Destination With No Gps Signal 4K

Stock Footage of Playing Violin View From Behind Music Notes 4K

Stock Footage of Old Pocket Watch Swinging In Slow Motion

Stock Footage of Getting Eyelashes Extended Ascending Jib Shot 4K

Stock Footage of High Voltage Power Line Repair
Every year the summer time is very unusual with income. It is almost better to go on vacation and not to think about it too much. We did it too. It was much less stressful. Of course, September sales improved. Banzai!!
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