Professional stock footage sell more than everyday lifestyle themes?

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Stock footage industry has more levels of quality media. But their sales depends from buyers use. Not every company is searching for best and most creative media to tell their story or fill some blank spots in their video projects.

Quick and simple Quicktime Photo-JPEG stock video exporting

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Buying professional software for editing files such as stock video footage is expensive. While Adobe, Resolve and Avid have great tools, they are meant for professional use. And if you are just starting out with producing stock video footage, this simple

Does equipment for making stock video matter?


Being a professional stock video contributor for years and using mostly DSLR video/photo camera for making video footage, we can deny any statements that you need a professional video camera for work. The magic of DSLR video/photo camera is versatility and agility,

Our path to successful stock video contributor


After many years of investment in stock video footage, we can confirm that is possible to live from stock industry income. If we had resources, information and moral support from the start, we would raise our stock value and database