Professional stock footage sell more than everyday lifestyle themes?

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Stock footage industry has more levels of quality media. But their sales depends from buyers use. Not every company is searching for best and most creative media to tell their story or fill some blank spots in their video projects.

January 2017 favorite stock footage sales via all stock agencies


Year 2016 wasn’t that bad with sales income from stock footage. There was constant improvement on some websites and there were few disappointments on others. We had big hopes from Dissolve to catch up at least with Pond5 sales and

Shutterstock 2017 March number of sales rise but income is worse

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In the last post about “Shutterstock number of sales rise but income is lower” we mentioned that number of sales are rising, but our income not that much. We blamed our newly uploaded photo media which are most likely stealing

Not uploading to Videoblocks because of Dissolve forced high priced stock footage

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About a year ago we planned to try Videoblocks stock agency nevertheless the HD pricing tier is way bellow industry standards. Some contributors reported good income and because there is no agency share, the contributor receives 99% of the income.