This could just be a rumor or badly interpreted information, but there is a source saying that almighty iStockphoto / Getty Images is in their last heartbeats and is using most sneaky tactics to save itself from miserable death. They might have big companies buying their stock media, but without many non-exclusives they are next to nothing compared to other agencies on the market.
Such information is of course not to take it for absolute. Hundreds or thousands of contributors wish iStock finally to sink. We don’t wish bad luck to all the hardworking good people in such industry which don’t have a choice or are there because they just wanted to work such a job. But believe us, there are many there too that are just scumbags which are the reason of downfall of iStock/Getty. If nothing was made in the last fiver (or more) years, then it’s just better that the company goes down. It will make less damage then continue to devalue stock contributors media on the market.
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Good luck iStockphoto / Getty Images with your tactics. Most of the worlds already knows how bad things at your place are going. For the rest of the world we will spread the information.

Stock footage of Playtoys In Sand